Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jungle Babbler

The Jungle Babbler is ring little little beeps.The Jungle Babbler is most famous bird in srilanka.It's brown color.It's walks step by step and jump by jump.All peoples are like this bird and sinhala peoples are say demalichcha.It famous name in srilanka. Jungle Babbler is very little and small.It's English name is babbler. The Jungle Babbler, Turtledoves stria ta, is an Old World babbler found in South Asia. They are gregarious birds that forage in small groups of six to ten birds, a habit that has given them the popular name of Seven Sisters or Saath bhai in Hindi with cognates in other regional languages which means "seven brothers".
The Jungle Babbler is a common resident breeding bird in most parts of the Indian Subcontinent and is often seen in gardens within large cities as well as in forested areas. In the past, the Orange-billed Babbler, Turdoides rufescens, of Sri Lanka was considered to be a race of this babbler, but is elevated to a species. The Jungle Babbler's habitat is forest and cultivation. This species, like most babblers, is non-migratory, and has short rounded wings and a weak flight. The sexes are identical, drably colored in brownish grey with a yellow-bill making them confusable only with the endemic White-headed Babblers of peninsular India and Sri Lanka. The upper parts are usually slightly darker in shade and there is some mottling on the throat and breast. The race T. s. somervillei of Maharastra has a very rufous tail and dark primary flight feathers.The Jungle Babbler can be separated from the White-headed Babbler by the dark lo real zone between the bill and the eye as well as the lack of a contrasting light crown. The calls of the two species are however distinct and unmistakable. The Jungle Babbler has harsh nasal calls while the White-headed Babbler has high pitched calls. Another babbler that is similarly found in urban areas is the Large Grey Babbler, however that species has a distinctive long tail with white outer tail feathers.

Jungle Babbler
Jungle Babbler
Jungle Babbler

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